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Topics >>
Themes >>
apostles, function
assurance, nature of
Christ, as Saviour
Christ, resurrection appearances
Christ, resurrection appearances
Christ, suffering
church, purpose
evangelism, nature of
evangelists, identity
gospel, promises
gospel, transmission
Holy Spirit, and preaching
human race, and redemption
mission, of church
missionaries, task
people of God, NT
preaching, content
repentance, importance
sin, deliverance from
witnessing, importance
Lessons >>
A Divine Visitation
Beginning At Jerusalem -- C. H. Spurgeon.
Beginning At Jerusalem -- W. Landels.
Christ Illuminates the Understanding -- J. Flavel.
Infallible Proofs and Inevitable Partings -- R.M. Edgar
Jesus on the Evening of Easter Day -- Canon Liddon.
Need of the Spirit of God -- the Fire from Heaven -- W. Arthur.
New Power -- D. L. Moody.
On the Understanding of Scripture -- E. Blencowe, M. A.
Peace Bestowed Upon Man -- J. Parsons.
Power -- Smiles.
Power from on High -- R. Watson.
Power from on High -- John Griffith.
Primitive Doubtings and Their Cure -- H. Bonar, D. D.
Reasons for Beginning At Jerusalem -- J. Dobie, D. D.
Remission of Sins -- T. T. Lynch.
Repentance -- T. T. Lynch.
Repentance and Pardon
Spiritual Power -- J. G. Rogers, B. A.
Tarrying for Fitness -- A. F. Muir, M. A.
The Apostolic Commission -- J. Macgregor, D. D.
The Charge to the Apostles -- W. Jay.
The Crucial Test -- H. O. Mackey.
The Divine Order of Preaching -- R. Newton, D. D.
The Duty and Importance of Special Efforts for the Conversion of Cities -- W. Patton, M. A.
The Final Recorded Meeting in Jerusalem -- G. Venables, S. C. L.
The First Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Eleven -- C. H. Spurgeon.
The Gospel Commission -- A. Somerville.
The Gospel for the World -- G. Venables, S. C. L.
The Mission and Equipment of the Disciples -- W. Landels.
The Opened Understanding -- M. F. Sadler.
The Principles and Proclamation of the Gospel -- W. M. Taylor, D. D.
The Reality of the Resurrection -- Canon Liddon.
The Solemn Charge -- Various Authors
The Timely Presence and Salutation of Jesus -- E. Payson, D. D.
The Understanding Opened -- T. Kidd.
The Work of the Christian Ministry -- W. J. Grundy.
The Wounds of Jesus -- C. H. Spurgeon.
Times of Waiting -- J. Vaughan, M. A.
Too Good to be True -- C. H. Spurgeon.
Two Supreme Necessities -- The Weekly Pulpit
Understanding the Scriptures -- S. Pearse.
Why it Behoved Christ to Suffer and to Rise -- R. Newton, D. D.
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