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A Divine Plan for Building -- Great Thoughts
Brass -- W. Brown.
Design and Use of the Ceremonial Law -- E. W. Hengstenberg, D. D.
Gifts of Materials for the Construction of the Tabernacle -- W. Brown.
God Dwelling with Men -- A. Raleigh, D. D.
God Loveth a Cheerful Giver -- G.A. Goodhart
Gold -- W. Brown.
Means of Interpretation -- E. E. Atwater.
Nature and Design of the Tabernacle -- R. Newton, D. D.
Offerings Accompanied with Devotion -- S. S. Chronicle
Silver -- W. Brown.
Symbolism of Colour -- E. E. Atwater.
Symbolism of Minerals -- E. E. Atwater.
The Basis of Symbolism -- E. P. Humphrey, D. D.
The Colours -- E. F. Willis, M. A.
The Command to Build a Sanctuary -- J. Orr
The Divine Purpose in the Erection of a Tabernacle -- J. Ridgeway, M. A.
The Edifice of the Tabernacle -- E. E. Atwater.
The Holy Tent -- T. Champness.
The Materials for the Sanctuary -- D. Young
The Oneness of the Tabernacle -- H. Macmillan, D. D.
The Pocket Converted
The Tabernacle -- W. Roberts, M. A.
The Tabernacle a Symbol of Holier Things -- R. E. Sears.
The Tabernacle a Tent -- G. Rodgers.
The Tabernacle and Priesthood -- D. C. Hughes, M. A.
The Tabernacle Entire -- W. Mudge.
The Tabernacle of the Testimony -- W. Seaton.
Typical Import of Materials -- H. W. Soltau.
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